Release the need to second guess yourself

Are you tired of all the decisions you have to make on a daily basis?

One moment you're OK with all the screen time your kids are getting (because you're tired and need a rest) and then the next moment you're racked with guilt about how it's messing with their tiny little brains.

Or you know your kids need nutritious meals for healthy development, but you can't think of what to cook with what food you have in the fridge, especially because you have fussy eaters and you hate it when you spend your precious energy on preparing food that no one eats. So you give them pasta once again – which makes you feel even more like you're a terrible mum who is ruining her children.

But what if you could clear the mental clutter? What if you could feel so confident – right to the core of your body – that you are exactly the mum your children need?

When you release the need to second guess yourself, you gain the ability to shut out the external voices telling you their opinion – and you stop exhausting yourself with external validation.

The constant anxiety you've been feeling about whether you're a good enough mum disappears and instead, you feel empowered and confident in the decisions you actually need to make (which are a lot less than you realise!).

You see that you have choices and you embrace flexibility, knowing there is no "perfect" way to parent. This sets you free from overthinking, meaning you get to spend more time being present with your kids and doing more of the things you love.

So, what can you expect from our session together?

In this free session, you'll discover what's actually causing your decision fatigue and why you might not actually be feeling mum guilt.

Using the power of breath, I'll guide you to release what's weighing you down, so that you leave the session feeling lighter, more at peace and with more energy to chase your kids around the living room as a pretend monster (so you don't even need screen time in the first place...).

This session is for you if you want to:

  • have the energy for meal planning 
  • replace your headaches with clarity and solutions for your problems
  • release the tension in your shoulders and the knot in your belly, so you can keep up with your kids' energy
  • feel confident in your decisions and more connected to your joy, so that home life is more harmonious
  • let go of the need to be the "perfect" mum and instead, focus on being a fulfilled woman

Join us as we release mum guilt and shame – and step into the liberated version of you.