90 days to break free from stress and overwhelm, and become the present mama you want to be

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You're ready to become the patient and relaxed mama you always wanted to be. Who feels connected to her kids and doesn't need to yell. And who feels so in love with her life, she gets fulfilment in and outside of motherhood.

But right now, you're exhausted from constantly giving to everyone else, but yourself.

If this is you, read on...

You love being a mother but...


➡️ daily battles to get your kids dressed and out the door are draining you.

➡️ you're fed up with cooking meals no one eats.

➡️ work stress consumes too much of your day when all you want is to be present with your kids.

➡️ you're constantly beating yourself up for not being healthier and more active.

➡️ you're exhausted from carrying the emotional load for your entire family.

➡️ Sleepless nights leave you wondering if you're doing enough as a parent.

You want to do things differently to your parents. You want to break free from the cycles of stress and overwhelm. 

You have all this information about what NOT to do and how to be more conscious with your children.

But why is it so damn hard to parent like this?

I'll tell you why... 

Modern motherhood has you doing all the things, wearing all the hats. 

This constant juggling traps you in guilt, shame and overwhelm, making you lose sight of who you truly are.


But when you let go of the patterns that no longer serve you – you finally find the relief you've been desperately seeking.


When you do this work – when you cultivate your emotional wellness – this is what's possible:

✨ Waking up energised and empowered, so you successfully master any challenge that comes your way.

✨ Saying goodbye to motherhood burnout and hello to more “me time” and joyful moments with your family.

✨ Inspiring your kids by living your best life – they'll want to follow in your footsteps.

✨ Experiencing harmony at home and within your relationships with your kids and partner.

✨ Receiving compliments about how calm and patient you are with your children – and what an inspiration you are.

Designed to help you reclaim your inner-power, this program has the potential to take you to that next level.

So you can mother from a place of calmness and confidence – and no burnout.

So that you get to experience the overflow – not just in motherhood, but in all areas of your life.

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  • feel good about yourself and the way you mother.
  • speak your truth and no longer hide yourself.
  • stop trying to be the perfect.
  • experience more emotional and mental freedom in your life.
  • role model balance and fulfilment.
  • raise emotionally resilient and mature children.



Amongst other things, you'll get to...

  • break free from patterns of victimhood and scarcity that keep you trapped in cycles of stress and dissatisfaction.
  • cultivate a state of inner sovereignty where your emotions no longer control you, but instead become a source of power and wisdom – especially when guiding your children through strong emotions.
  • develop emotional resilience – a vital skill in this ever-changing world (and one that will help you connect with your children on a deeper level).
  • reconnect with the true you and what gives you energy in life.
  • find clarity and confidence in your parenting, and reconnect with what you love about motherhood.
  • join a community of like-minded mamas who support and uplift each other.


If you're ready to get that deeper connection with you children you've been craving...



Join us for 12 weeks of live weekly calls on Fridays 10:00am AEST and implement, solidify and celebrate your new successes in our exclusive member chat.

I can't wait to have you!

Recordings will be available shortly after the classes.

Enrolment is open through to 27 September, then doors close.

one-time payment


For a limited time only

  • WEEKLY x live 60 minute calls online
  • DAILY access to 
    xclusive chat where you can be seen, heard and held
  • Access to all recordings
Yes, I'm ready to join

6 x monthly installments


For a limited time only

  • WEEKLY x live 60 minute calls online
  • DAILY access to 
    xclusive chat where you can be seen, heard and held
  • Access to all recordings
Yes, I'm ready to join